Cairo University |
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Hany HelalProf. Hany Helal is currently a professor of Rock Mechanics and Engineering Geology, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. He is the former Minister of Higher Education and State for Scientific Research, January 2006 – February 2011 and former President of Senghor University, March 2004 – June 2010. He became Secretary General of the Education Development Fund, Egypt in July 2005 till September 2009. He worked as the Egyptian Cultural and Scientific Counselor in France, Belgium, Luxemburg and Switzerland, and the Director for Cultural, Educational and Scientific Office in the Egyptian Embassy, Paris, France, from June 1998 till September 2002. He was the National TEMPUS Coordinator (EU Higher Education Enhancement program), October 2002 – December 2005. He acted as UNESCO Consultant / Interim Administrative Director, International Centre for Synchrotron-Light for Experimental Sciences and Applications in the Middle East (SESAME), Jordan, October 2002 till December 2005. He was a Program Specialist and National Professional Officer, Earth Sciences, UNESCO Regional Office for Science and Technology for Arab States, September 1993 – June 1998. Email: |
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Mohamed ElkarmotyMohamed is the coordinator of GEB project. Mohamed is assistant professor of mining and geological engineering and the director of Rock Engineering Laboratory at Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. He holds B.Sc. in Mining Engineering (2009, Cairo University), M.Sc. in Mining Engineering (2013, Cairo University), and Ph.D. in Resources and Earth Engineering (2018, University of Bologna). Mohamed was awarded the graduate medal of excellence from Mining Engineering department, Cairo University, and research/training scholarships from ERASMUS MUNDUS, IAESTE, the Italain Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, Fulbright, and OeAD Austria. His research interests are rock testing, applied geophysics, mining optimization, non-destructive assessment in culture heritage, quarrying, ornamental stone characterization, and geothermal energy. He has more than 19 papers published in international journals and scientific conferences. Mohamed coordinates and co-coordinates 6 local and international capacity building and research projects. He was the principal investigator of more than 14 geo-engineering consulting projects. Email: |
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Mohamed IsmaelMohamed received his B.Sc. from Cairo University from Mining, Petroleum and Metallurgical Engineering department in 2009, M.Sc. in Mining Engineering (2014, Cairo University), and Ph.D. in rock mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (2018, Technical University of Freiberg, Germany). Mohamed is member of CU team of GEB project. He is assistant professor of mining and geological engineering and the technical advisor of Rock Engineering Laboratory at Faculty of Engineering, Cairo University. His research interests are rock mechanics, tunneling and stability of the underground structures, numerical simulation, rock lab testing, quarrying, hydraulic fracturing, and geothermal energy. He has more than 7 papers published in international journals and scientific conferences. Mohamed has joined the consultancy groups in mega-tunneling projects such as: Greater Cairo Mero Line 3 & Line 4 and Ahmed Hamdy Tunnel 2. Email: |
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Mostafa F. AmeenMostafa F. Ameen is an assistant lecturer in the Mining and Geological Engineering program at CU. He obtained his M.Sc. in the assessment of environmental impacts of rock blasting operations. He is a key member in many multidisciplinary international research projects coordinated by the Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University. He has over four years of experience in rock testing and site investigations. As an engineer in Rock Engineering Laboratory (REL), he has participated in many consulting projects in mining, civil and cultural heritage sectors. His research interests include optimization of rock blasting operations, slope stability analysis, applied rock mechanics and numerical modelling, project management, mining economics, mine operations design and optimization of quarrying operations. Email: |
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Khaled HelalKhaled Helal is an assistant lecturer in the Mining and Geological Engineering program at CU. He has over three years of experience as mine production engineer in Sukari Gold Mine (SGM). His master thesis was focused on the assessment of economic impacts of rock blasting operations. Currently, his PhD research will be focused on using the Non-destructive Techniques in monitoring, assessment, and preservation of culture heritage structures. He is key member in many research and consulting projects coordinated by Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University. His research interests include optimization of rock blasting operations, applications of Non-destructive Techniques in cultural heritage and geophysical site investigations. Email: |
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Sholqamy MohamedGraduated and obtained the B. Sc. Degree in 2013. Obtained his M.Sc. in geostatistical analysis and production planning of surface mines in 2019. Currently, he is an assistant lecturer in the Mining and Geological Engineering program at CU. Also, he occupies a vacancy of Lab Engineer at the Rock Engineering Laboratory (REL). He has an experience in statistical and geostatistical data analysis, geo-modelling, geomatics, rock testing and process optimization. Participated in over ten consulting projects in different engineering disciplines including mining, civil and cultural heritage. He is key member in many research and consulting projects coordinated by Faculty of Engineering – Cairo University. His research interests include geo-modelling and production planning of mineral resources, optimization of mine operations, mining economics, mine operations design. Email: |
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Khaled AbdelghafarKhaled Abdelghafar is an assistant lecturer in the Mining and Geological Engineering program at CU. His master thesis was focused on the numerical modelling of the mechanical behavior of hard soils soft rocks. He has over two years’ experience in rock testing and numerical modelling. Currently, he is a key member in Rock Engineering Laboratory (REL) participating in many research and consulting projects. Email: |
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Hussein EssamHussein Essam is a researcher at Rock Engineering Laboratory (REL). He obtained his B.Sc Degree, from the Faculty of Science, CU, in the characterization of shallow and deep subsurface targets using geophysical techniques. During his work in REL, He has participated in several consulting projects gaining good experience in the data processing and analysis of different geophysical methods. Email: |
Ain Shams University |
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Tamer ElnadyTamer Elnady, B.Sc. (1997) and M.Sc. (2000) from Ain Shams University in Mechanical Engineering, and a Ph.D. (2004) in Technical Acoustics from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden. Currently working as a Professor of Acoustics at the Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University. He is the Head of ASU Sound & Vibration Laboratory at Ain Shams University, Vice Dean for Education and Student Affairs, and President of the Acoustical Society of Egypt. He has participated in more than 40 international and national research and educational projects funded by different funding agencies, in the field of education, sound and vibration and virtual reality. A member of the council of advisors for Egyptian President for Education and Scientific Research. Worked for two years at the Ministry of Education responsible for the Exploratory Centers for Science and Technology. He is an expert in Duct Acoustics, one of the developers of SIDLAB Software for the simulation of sound propagation in duct systems. Working as a consultant for several companies in Europe, USA, Egypt and Gulf in the field of Muffler Design, Noise Control, and Environmental Acoustics modelling. |
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Adel ElsabbaghDr. Adel Elsabbagh received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. from Ain Shams University. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Maryland, College Park. He is currently a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Ain Shams University. His research interests are in Mechanical Vibrations, Wind Energy, Design of Wind Turbines, Topology Optimization, e-Laboratories, Virtual Reality. |
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Ahmed Samy Mohamed Hosny ElakkadAhmed is an assistant professor in the design and production engineering department at ASU where he has been a faculty member since 2008. PhD in design and production engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University (June 2015). M.Sc. in design and production engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Ain Shams University (Oct 2010). Ahmed is teaching technical writing and engineering measurements and metrology. Ahmed role in ASRP project is sharing in quality assurance activities and putting some of the standard operating procurers of the different processes. |
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Nessren Mohamed ZamzamNessren is an assistant professor in the design and production engineering department at ASU where she has been a faculty member since 2010. She is teaching engineering economy, engineering management, quality control and quality systems courses. She took total quality management and quality service courses in 2012. Nessren has been involved as quality assurance member in Tempus project in industrial engineering and management science in 2013. Nessren role in ASRP project is sharing in quality assurance activities and putting some of the standard operating procurers of the different processes |
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Mohamed Atef SayedMohamed Atef is an Assistant Lecturer in Design and Production department, Faculty of Engineering, he has joined Ain Shams University in 2015. Atef is holding bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering (Major: Design and Production) from Faculty of Engineering – Ain Shams University (ASU), Master of Science in Materials science from Ain Shams University in 2017 and Now, Doing PhD studies in Waste Management at ASU. Atef has a multi-disciplinary academic/research experience in Materials science and its properties, Structure of materials and Waste Management. He is working to insert and integrate different industrial and natural wastes in the formation of sustainable novel materials to contribute in real-life applications. Through his work as an Assistant Lecturer, he gained an extensive experience in dealing with EU-Collaborative projects such as ERASMUS MUNDUS, ERASMUS + and TEMPUS. The role in ASRP focuses on constructing of all ASU processes, its automation and different activities of the project. In addition to participating in the project’s activities related to quality assurance. On the other hand, he also contributes in preparing automated Quality Management System for the faculty of Engineering – ASU. |
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Sherif El-NabarawyHe obtained his BSc. Degree in Software Engineering from the Faculty of Computers and Information. He was involved in several projects in the fields of engineering and education with many Egyptian & European organizations and universities, which developed his extensive experience in variety of things from programming technical engineering applications with a wide range of technologies, to managing efficiently different software projects. He has a record of successful achievements along with his team in the VR and 3D scanning technologies, one of them was the participation in the international scanning mission “ScanPyramids” that discovered the big void corridor inside the Pyramid of Khufu, which has been acknowledged in a paper published the scientific journal “Nature”. |
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Haitham AhmedWeb develpment team leader at CVS3, BSc in computer science (2012), He worked in the feild of web applications development for over six years, Three years of them at CVS3, participating, building , and supporting the software development process of many projects in different feilds with Egyptian and European organizations. |
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Mohamed GamalBSc in computer science (2013), He worked in the feild of web applications development for over three years, one year of them at CVS3, participating, building , and supporting the software development process of many projects in different feilds with Egyptian and European organizations. |
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Nour FouadNour Fouad is the senior graphic designer of CVS3, Faculty of engineering, Ainshams university. She held this role for the past 3 and half years. Joining CVS3 in 2016, Nour quickly became solely responsible for creating visual concepts, printings, logos design, UI/UX and graphics for e-Learning activities and websites In this role, Nour Redesigned faculty of Engineering, Ainshams University logo and identity, created a new brand identity for Suez National Museum, as well as UI and graphics for Suez National Museum application. Born and raised in Cairo, Nour earned her bachelor’s degree in arts from Ainshams University. |
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Ahmed IbrahimFrontend developer at CVS3, Faculty of engineering, Ain Shams University. BSc in computer and information science (2019), He worked in the feild of web applications development for over two years, building web themes responsively and applying ui/ux & Clean Code Principles using modern frameworks like angular and vuejs. |
Suez Canal University – SCU |
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Mohamed I. Abdel-FattahDr. Abdel-Fattah is an Associate Professor at the Geology Department, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Egypt. He received his B.S. degree in Geophysics and M.Sc. in Applied Geophysics from Suez Canal University (Egypt) in 1999 and 2005, respectively and Ph.D. in Geosciences from Institute for Applied Geosciences, Technical University of Berlin (Germany) in 2010. He has a Postdoctoral Research Associate (Post-Doc) from 2013 to 2015 in the School of Geosciences at the University of Oklahoma (OU), USA. He has more than 15 years academic experience, in teaching to undergraduate and post graduate students. He has many international publications and conference presentations in his field of research (more than 45). He also supervised numerous national and international post graduate students for Master and PhD degrees. His current research interests are (1) Integrated Petroleum Geoscience, (2) Reservoir Characterization, (3) 3D Static Reservoir Modeling, (4) 2D/3D Qualitative and Quantitative Seismic Interpretation, (5) Well Logging Analysis, (6) Petroleum System Analysis, (7) Source Rock Evaluation, (8) Basin Analysis, (9) Sequence Stratigraphy, (10) Seismic Stratigraphy, and (11) Conventional & Unconventional Reservoirs (Carbonate - Shale Oil & Gas). He has received numerous research awards during his two decades of academic career. |
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Mona F. KaiserProf. Dr. Mona F. Kaiser is a Professor at the Geology Department, Suez Canal University, Egypt. She is specialist in the applications of remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems in environmental hazards assessment. Ph.D. Faculty of science, University of Reading, UK, 2004. She has a Post-doctor Fellow in the Center of Remote Sensing, Boston University, USA, 2011. She worked as: a Vice Dean of the Community Service & Environmental Development in the Faculty of Science, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, 2016-2018, a Director of the Field training Centre, Suez Canal University, Ismailia, Egypt, 2018-2019, a Director of the Center for the Development of University Education and the Project Management Unit, Suez Canal University, Egypt, 2018-2019 and a Chief Information Office (CIO), Center for the Development of University Education and the Project Management Unit, Suez Canal University, Egypt: in Project Management Unit, Supreme Council of Universities, Ministry of Higher Education. She is working as a member of the National Committee for Astronomy and Space Science at the Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Ministry of Higher Education, Egypt. She is an Arbitrator of the Permanent Scientific Committee of Geology and Meteorology and its applications - Supreme Council of Universities (SCU). She supervised 19 M.Sc. and Ph.D. theses. She has published 47 scientific researches in international journals. She is a Principal Investigator for research project entitled "Prospecting and exploitation of geothermal water as a source of renewable energy: a case study along the Gulf of Suez coastal zones in Egypt" Funded by Science & Technology Development Fund, Ministry of Scientific Research; 2018-2021. |
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Abdou A. AbouelmagdDr. Abouelmagd is an Associate Professor at the Geology Department, Suez Canal University, Egypt. Before moving to the SCU in 2015, he was a Post-Doctoral Fellow at The Hydrology, Agriculture and Land Observation Lab., the King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (KAUST), Saudi Arabia from 2013 to 2015. He received his Ph.D. in Geosciences from Western Michigan University, USA in 2012. He received several national and international awards of excellence and participated in various projects, conferences, and outreach activities worldwide. He is conducting interdisciplinary approach utilizing hydrogeology, geochemistry, geophysics, groundwater modeling, remote sensing and GIS to study: 1) flash floods mitigation and augmenting groundwater resources; 2) aquifer parameters and characteristics; 3) paleoclimatic regimes of the major fossil aquifers such as the Nubian Aquifer System in Egypt and the Saq Aquifer System in Saudi Arabia. |
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Sara M. AbuziedDr. Sara Abuzied is an Associate Professor with more than 15 years academic experience, in teaching to undergraduate and post-graduate students at Department of Geology & Geophysics - Suez Canal University. PhD. degree holder - 2015 in Geology with over 10 years of core experience in Geospatial modelling for natural resources and environmental hazards. Experienced in GIS System conceptualizing, design, and implementation for several sectors that include water resources, engineering geology, renewable energy, oil and gas sectors. More than 5 years of experience in soft-coding and processing large datasets from satellite observations and in situ measurements. Experienced in soft computing algorithms for natural hazard modeling. Developed different risk analysis models using GIS data and parameters derived from satellite images, weather data, drought code, soil types, topographic maps, and geomorphological and geological characteristics. Exploitation of Remote Sensing data and GIS tools to evaluate climate changes, catchment changes, water quality changes, coastal morphology changes, and air pollution changes. The current research interests are: 1) Monitoring and prediction of geo-environmental hazards such as flash floods, drought, landslides, oil spills, subsidence, soil erosion, sea level changes, water pollution, and waterlogging problems; 2) Evaluation and management of natural resources such as water resources, ore minerals, geothermal locations, and oil and gas exploration; 3) Environmental impact assessment and geospatial modelling; 4) Digital image analysis, spatial analysis, digital mapping, and geoinformatics; and 5) Land-use planning and management. |
Aswan University – ASWU |
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Ahmed Mahmoud Abdel-GhanyProfessor Dr. Ahmed Abdel-Ghany works emeritus professor at at the Department of Mechanical Power Engineering, Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan University, Egypt. Abdel-Ghany teaches graduate and undergraduate courses: Thermodynamics, Heat and Mass Transfer, Power Plants Engineering, Heat Engines, Fundamental of Fluid Mechanics, Internal Combustion Engines, Thermal Engineering Laboratories and Renewable and Sustainable Energy Applications. His research interests are in the areas of Heat and mass transfer in agricultural structures and industrial processes, solar energy applications, solar desalination systems and bioreactors for composting processes. Abdel-Ghany acted as professor of of heat & mass transfer at King Saud University, Saudi Arabia. Abdel-Ghany has authored 60 scientific publications and he shared as a keynote speaker at many scientific conferences. |
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Ahmed Rekaby Abdel-RahmanDr. Ahmed Rekaby is a faculty member at Aswan University in the city of Aswan, which is located in the south of the Arab Republic of Egypt. Where he was appointed in the Faculty of Energy Engineering of Aswan University, and since his appointment he specialized in systems that work on the exploitation of renewable energies, especially solar and wind energy, where his research career began with designing and manufacturing solar dryers and his experiences continued as he designed and manufactured the first station operating with a solar chimney system inside Aswan, Egypt This was through a research project for a feasibility study to clarify the technology of the solar chimney to generate energy in Aswan and its ability to generate clean energy and its effectiveness and the extent of its ability to operate in the absence of the sun with a slight decrease in performance and its competition with the least expensive energy source. The research project was research collaboration between the Faculty of Energy Engineering and the University of Wuppertal and the Ruhr in Germany. In that project, he specialized in designing and manufacturing wind turbines that work in closed tires inside solar chimneys and has published researches in that field and generally in the fields of solar energy and also specializes in using simulation programs that are based on fluid dynamics and thermals heat transfer. He also continued his teaching career where he worked at the Arab Academy For Science and Technology (AAST) as a lecturer, he is currently completing the research method on how to maximize the use of heating by solar radiation by working and designing different systems for heating and thermal storage, whether by supervising research work or doing himself with those designs and manufacturing processes. |
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Ahmed Mohamed Ali RedaAssistant Professor Dr. Ahmed M Reda works as a researcher and lecturer at the Department of Mechanical Power Engineering, Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan University, Egypt. He completed his PhD studies in Mechanical Engineering at Assiut University. Reda acted as a lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, Assiut University. Ahmed Reda teaches Heat and Mas Transfer, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning, Power Plants Engineering, Fluid Mechanics, Pumps Valves and Pipe Networks, Thermal Systems of Renewable Energies, Management of Renewable Energy Resources, Mechanical Measurements, Measurements and Mechanical Power Laboratories, and Project Management. His research interests are in the areas of Thermal Radiation, refrigeration and air conditioning, solar energy, solar cooling, energy efficiency. Reda has authored 8 scientific publications and he shared as a keynote speaker at many scientific conferences. Reda shares in many research projects in the fields of solar cooling and solar lighting. Also, Reda works as a Freelance Project Management Consultant and Freelance Primavera (Project Management) Trainer. |
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Tarek Hassan MohamedAssoc. Prof. Dr. Tarek Hassan Mohamed is the Director of the Department of Electrical Engineering at Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan University, Egypt . Dr Tarek has also acted on multiple occasions as the Visiting researcher in Japan. Dr Tarek has conducted internationally acclaimed research in the fields of Power systems control, Robust control, Micro-grid control and smart grids. Dr. Tarek has authored over 70 scientific publications and supervised 10 master students. He is a frequent Keynote speaker at international conferences and the recipient of the Aswan university publishing Awards. |
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Mahmoud Mohamed Hussein SalehAssociate Professor Dr. Mahmoud Mohamed Hussein Saleh is the Vice Dean for Postgraduate Studies and Research, Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan University, Egypt. He obtained his PhD through a joint supervision mission between Egypt (Minia University, Minia) and Japan (University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa) but the PhD degree has been granted from Egypt side in 2014. From 2009-2011, he was with Aswan Power Electronic Application Research Center (APEARC), as a Research Assistant. He had been joined Graduation School of Engineering and Science, The University of the Ryukyus, Okinawa, Japan, to complete the external part of his PhD thesis from 2011 to 2013. He has authored/coauthored over 30 peer-reviewed papers in leading international conferences and journals, mainly on the topics of distributed generation, renewable energy, power system planning, power quality, and reliability. |
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Gaber Magdy Ahmed RashwanGaber Magdy works as a senior researcher and lecturer at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Energy Engineering, Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt. He received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. (Hons.) degrees in Electrical Engineering at Aswan University, Egypt, in 2011 and 2014, respectively. In 2019, he completed his PhD studies in Electrical Engineering at Minia University, Egypt (Main university), and Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan (Host university). Since December 2011, he joined the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Energy Engineering at Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt, first as a Demonstrator and then as an Assistant Lecturer in November 2014. From 2017 to 2019, he was a visiting researcher in the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering at Kyushu Institute of Technology, Japan. He is currently an Assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Energy Engineering in Aswan University, Aswan, Egypt. He has authored /co-authored two international books and over 30 peer-reviewed papers on renewable power systems stability, dynamics, and control. His research interests are in the areas of power system stability, dynamics, and control, smart/micro-grid control, renewable energies, and energy storage systems, digital control. |
Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology - E-JUST |
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Mahmoud AhmedMahmoud Ahmed is currently a professor in Energy Resources Engineering at Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology (E-JUST), Alexandria. Prior to E-JUST, he was a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Assiut University, where he also received his BS (1983) and MS (1987) degrees in Mechanical Engineering. He finished his PhD degree (1994) from Mississippi state University, USA, where he attained an outstanding record in computational fluid dynamics. Ahmed served as a visiting professor in several universities for research and teaching including Osaka University, Japan (2015), University of Toronto, Canada (2005-2008), Concordia University, Canada (2002-2003), and Drexel University, USA (1994-1995). Ahmed’s current research interests focus on the following tracks:1- thermal management of concentrator photovoltaic systems using different techniques, 2- Modeling of transport phenomena in fuel cells, solar hydrogen production, wind energy and geothermal energy systems, 3- Multiphase flow, liquid atomization and spray systems, 4- multiscale computations (continuum-meso), molecular dynamic simulation, and parallel computing with particular emphasis on hemodynamics. Ahmed enjoys teaching, working on the state-of-the-art research, and is currently a member in the editorial board of International Journal of Energy Research. |
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Hamdy HassanHamdy Hassan current position is associate professor at Egypt-Japan University of Science and technology (EJUST), Energy resources engineering department. He received his Ph.D. from Bordeaux1 University, Bordeaux, France, in 2009, and his M.Sc. and B.Sc., both in mechanical engineering, from Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt. His research activities are dedicated to main subjects: heat and mass transfer, fluid mechanics, and phase change. These research activities are mainly oriented but not limited to Renewable energy applications in Desalinations, PV Cooling, Building cooling heating and ventilation, and bioenergy. Energy storage, Heat recovery, thermoelectric generator, Heat pipes, Injection molding, Electronic cooling. |
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Mohamed M. ElsabahyMohamed M. Elsabahy received his B.Sc. (2013) and an M.Sc. (2018) in mechanical power engineering, Portsaid University, and currently is a Ph.D. student (2020) at energy resources engineering in Egypt-Japan University of Science and Technology. He joined the staff of Portsaid University from 2015-03 to 2015-09 and Suez Canal University from 2015-09. His research interest includes: Modeling and simulation of multiscale, multiphysics systems (in general), and thermo-fluids systems (in particular); Renewable energy resources assessment, utilization, storage, transmission, and localization in different application sectors. (ORCID: |
South Valley Egyptian Petroleum Holding Company (Ganope) |
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Mohamed Mahmoud SelimEngineer Mohamed Selim is the General Manager of Energy Efficiency Improvement Department. He has 22 years' experience in the Oil and Gas Sector, particularly in project implementation and Preparation of technical and economic pre-feasibility studies for projects. As well as he is a Member of Ministry of Petroleum Modernization Project Energy Efficiency Improvement Program, works in development of the Energy Efficiency Strategy and the Energy Efficiency Master Plan for the Petroleum Sector with cooperation with European Commission & JICA. In addition, he is a member of the Energy Efficiency Improvement Supreme Committee in the Petroleum Sector. He participates in Preparing studies and follow up implementation of energy efficiency projects such as Monetization of flared gas project with (The World Bank & EBRD) & renewable energy projects (Solar Energy, Geothermal electrical power generation, heating and cooling). He accomplished the following certifications:
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Nancy Gamaleldin AzazyNancy Azazy is a section head in Energy Efficiency Department and works as an Electrical Power Engineer. Nancy is a member of Modernization program group 4B (Energy Efficiency and climate sector in Ministry of Petroleum) and an official participant in the Geothermal Committee between Ganope and New and Renewable Energy Authority NREA. Nancy was graduated from Faculty of Engineering Ain Shams University Grade Very Good, winning a reward from Nahdet Elmahrousa (IEEE) competition 2009 “graduation projects competition” her Graduation Project was Automatic Power Factor Correction Using Microcontroller, PLC & SCADA, her master degree was from faculty of engineering Ain shams University in 2021 which was in Renewable energy (Distribution generation of Geothermal Energy as a power plant). She has published two papers in two international conferences. Nancy was a speaker in EGYPS 2020 to present and publish a Technical paper " Status of Geothermal Resources in Egypt Based on Geophysical Data" in Technical Conference EGYPS 2020. On the other hand, she published a scientific paper “Optimal Control of Geothermal Power Plant by using PI Controller based on Genetic Algorithm” paper in ICCES 2020 conference. Nancy is Certified from JICA of completion of program “Promotion of Energy Efficiency and Conservation". |
New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) |
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Tamer Mohamed Abd-el-KaderTamer Mohamed Abd-el-Kader Engineer. Tamer Mohamed Abd-el-Kader New And Renewable Energy Authority, NREA. Preparing reports and studies on migratory birds, assessing the importance of various sites in the soaring path of migration, and providing recommendations on appropriate areas for establishing renewable energy projects - wind energy and the most important measures to be followed in these areas to mitigate the negative environmental impacts on bird migration, in addition to providing support to local experts. Supervising the work team at site, which requires travel and permanent visits to the Gulf of Suez region, especially wind project sites in the region. Participation in the preparation of environmental studies of the following areas: 300 km to the Gulf of Suez and 200 km to the Gulf of Suez, 285 km to the Gulf of Suez. Participation and review in preparing the environmental study for the Benban area of Aswan Governorate for solar cell stations. Participation in the preparation/ review of environmental permit Application (EEAA’s permit) of FORM B for all solar and wind power stations in Benban, the Gulf of Suez and Zaafarana. Participation in installing the radars of the Jabal Al-Zeit wind station (1) to monitor migratory birds and apply the SOD. Coordination with the Ministry of Defense and the Naval Forces Command regarding obtaining security approvals to install, operate and maintain a number (2) marine radars used to implement SOD in the Jabal Al-Zeit area. Responsible for preparing the necessary terms of reference for contracting with consultants and / or related companies to provide various services for NREA projects. Participation by NREA in providing support in terms of formulating environmental policies and attracting and managing climate finance and its mechanisms (such as the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) and NAMA mitigation measures) and working to direct the Center's activities in line with the international agenda of initiatives and trends in the areas of climate change and environmental affairs. Participate in the preparation Atlas Geothermal and to identify suitable areas for Geothermal energy. Nationality: Egyptian Gender: Male |
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Ehab FaroukWorked in NREA since 2000, about 20 years’ experience in the field of renewable energy and energy efficiency, the current position as General Manager of Tests, the previous position was Manager of Planning. Project manager and coordinator for PV projects in cooperation with MASDAR, United Arab Emirates, BSc in mechanical power Engineering, Zagazig University 1997, High Diploma in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency from Cairo University 2011, MSc in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency from Kassel University, Germany 2011 and the research point was “An Assessment for Technical, Economic, and Environmental Challenges Facing Renewable Energy Strategy in Egypt” Participated in many local and international conferences and forums as a speaker, the last one was The Global Smart Energy Summit during the Middle East Electricity exhibition, Dubi 2018 Published book “An Assessment for Challenges facing Renewable Energy Strategy in Egypt” by LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing, Germany Head of Geothermal committee to develop a general framework to prepare the way to exploit Geothermal Energy in Egypt through a Geothermal Energy Program; and study technical and economic feasibility of promising sites to be the first pilot project to produce electricity from underground heat in Egypt in cooperation with the South Valley Petroleum Company, GANOPE) , and National Research Institute of Astronomy and Geophysics (NRIAG) |
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Omar Fathi sayedEng. Omar fathi has B.Sc. degree in Electrical power & Machines from Faculty of Engineering Shoubra .Benha University since 2010. He is working as a test engineer for air conditioners and solar water heaters in test and research sector at new and renewable energy authority since 2012. He is Pan Arab-certified Energy Management Professional since 2018. He is Member in electrical power devices committee at Egyptian authority for standardization and quality (EOS). He was Member in team work of STS MED project Small scale thermal solar district units for Mediterranean communities, which succeeded to design and implement of 4 CSP demonstration units in 4 countries (Egypt-Italy-Jordan-Cyprus). |
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Sara ElkomyEng. Sara Elkomy Planning Engineer at General Department of planning and follow up, New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA), Ministry of Electricity and Renewable Energy (since 2017). Contributed in the IRENA Geothermal Workshop in Nairobi, Kenya. In January 2018 Attended the Regional Workshop on Geothermal Financing and Risk Mitigation in Africa in Nairobi, Kenya by IRENA.
Tel. +201000572199 LinkedIn : |
University of Bologna |
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Stefano BonduàProfessor PhD Stefano Bonduà is an associate Professor of the Department Engineering, Civil, Chemical, Environment and of Materials of the University of Bologna. Professor Stefano Bonduà has conducted researches in the fields of Geothermal Energy (energy and heat transfer through porous media), numerical modelling and geostatistics. Professor Bonduà has authored over 30 scientific publications and supervised 3 doctoral students. He participated in several international conferences regarding geothermal energy. |
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Villiam BortolottiProfessor Villiam Bortolotti is an associate Professor of the Department Engineering, Civil, Chemical, Environment and of Materials of the University of Bologna. Main research areas of Professor Villiam Bortolotti are: Application of both nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) to the characterization of porous media and of the saturating fluids; Modelling and inverse problem; Numerical simulation of reservoirs, aquifers and geothermal fields. |
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Roberto BrunoMining engineer, he has been an Associate Professor at the University of Bologna since 1993. He carries out his research in the characterization of mineral, environmental and energy Georesources. Namely, His research interests are focused on geostatistical modelling, theoretical and applied to the evaluation of natural resources, solid and fluid. Currently, his research focuses on the characterization, valorisation and selection of economically recoverable reserves. |
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Francesco TintiEng. PhD Francesco Tinti is a Research Fellow of the Department Engineering, Civil, Chemical, Environment and of Materials of the University of Bologna. His main research activity deals with georeosurces and geothermal sectors. He has worked in several projects of international cooperation for the development and use of geothermal energy. Main research areas are : Geothermal modelling; Raw material characterization; Geostatistics. |
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Kristina StrpićEng. Kristina Strpić is a PhD Student in the field of Hydrocarbons and Underground fluids at the Department Engineering, Civil, Chemical, Environment and of Materials of the University of Bologna. Her main reaserch fileds are: Applied thermogeology, Ground heat exchangers characterization; Coupled well-reservoir numerical modeling. |
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Fausto PeddisDott. Fausto Peddis is a Laboratory technician of the Department Engineering, Civil, Chemical, Environment and of Materials of the University of Bologna. Main laboratory Activity are: In situ measurements; Laboratory experiments; Testing equipment development. |
Universidad de Valladolid |
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César R. ChamorroCesar Chamorro is a Professor at the department of Energy Engineering. He is a M.Sc. in Mechanical Engineer (1995), PhD in Engineering (1998), and has a postgraduate degree in Higher Education Teaching (2004). He undertakes research in thermophysical properties and phase behaviour of fluids mixtures, focusing on Biofuels Vapour Liquid Equilibria and biogas/H2 enriched natural gas density measurements, metrology, and energy and exergy analysis of energy systems, with special interest in geothermal energy. He has published over 80 papers in high impact factor journals and collaborated in more than 25 National and International Research Projects. |
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Alejandro MoreauAlejandro Moreau is a Senior Research Fellow. He specialises in phase behaviour and thermophysical properties of biofuels and liquid solvents for Carbon Capture. He also undertakes fundamental research in metrology. He has a degree in Mining Engineering and an Engineering PhD with European mention (2015), winning the Best Engineering Thesis Prize. He has been in long-term research stays at University Blaise Pascal, working on carbon capture under the sponsorship of the French Ecology Transition Agency partnering with ArcelorMittal, and at Imperial College London deploying his knowledge in improving enhance oil recovery processes. He currently designs and commissions new equipment aimed at gathering high-accuracy measurements under challenging conditions. He has published 15 papers in high impact factor journals and collaborated in 10 National and International Research Projects. |
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Maria del Carmen MartínProfessor of Thermodynamics (2002). Since her PhD studies (PhD in Chemistry in the University of Valladolid 1992), her research has focused on the measurement and modelling of vapor-liquid equilibria and calorimetry. She has been involved in 30 R+D+i competitive projects and has published over 90 papers in high impact factor journals. Her current research is related to the thermophysical characterization of amine solutions for carbon capture and of biofuels. |
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José Juan SegoviaProfessor of Thermodynamics (2011). PhD in Engineering (1997)– University of Valladolid. He started in Spanish National Research Centre on Energy, Environment and Technology, where he focused on projects related to the revalorization of biomass. Since 1994, he belongs to the University of Valladolid. His recent research interests focus on the measurement of the thermophysical and phase equilibria properties of fluid mixtures, incorporating applied thermodynamics and apparatus development. Current studies include: the phase behaviour, density, heat capacity and viscosity of fluids at high temperatures and pressures; the speed of sound and derived thermodynamic properties of gases. He has carried out more than 30 projects and has published more than 100 papers with a high impact factor in those fields. |
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David Vega-MazaSenior Distinguished Researcher ´Beatriz Galindo´. This position was awarded in a competitive call by the Spanish Ministry for Science, Innovation and Universities, aimed at attracting and retaining talented researchers who have developed most of their academic career abroad. He holds a PhD in Engineering (2009). He has developed his career at NIST -US-, Imperial College London -UK-, and at the University of Aberdeen -UK-. Before joining TermoCal in 2020 and during his time in Aberdeen, he was a senior lecturer (associate professor) in Energy Engineering; Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Aberdeen Champion (CCUS); Scottish Carbon Capture and Storage (SCCS) directorate member; and coordinator of the world’s first and only Master’s degree in decommissioning oil rigs, platforms and offshore structures. He applies his expertise in thermophysical properties and phase behaviour of fluids, and metrology, to 1) CCUS; 2) bioenergy/biofuels; 3) hydrogen production, transport and storage; 4) new temperature and humidity standards; 5) long-term monitoring of decommissioned Offshore Installations. |
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Daniel LozanoDaniel Lozano-Martín defends his Ph.D. (“Thermodynamic characterization by speed of sound of binary and multicomponent mixtures of interest for the gas industry”) on July 2019 with the highest mark. Since then, he has been focused on the research of gas and liquid fluid properties of interest for application in the industry. Nowadays, he has gotten a postdoctoral contract funded from the University of Valladolid and the Santander Bank. His work is reflected in 10 papers in indexed international journals, 12 communications to international conferences, and 2 research stays at INRiM (Torino, Italy) and at CQE (Lisboa, Portugal). |
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segismundo izquierdoProfessor of Business Management, specialized in evolutionary game theory, strategy and Industrial Organization. Former consultant at PricewaterhouseCoopers (1998-2001). Fulbright scholar. He has been in charge of different university courses, mainly on microeconomics, business management and information systems. His research is focused on economic and social aspects of social interactions, using techniques from evolutionary game theory, computational simulation, stochastic processes and artificial intelligence. He has been a visiting scholar at The Stockholm School of Economics (2006), The European University Institute (2010) and the University of Wisconsin-Madison (2016, 2018). |
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Ana Tejero-GonzálezAssociate Professor and member of the Research Group in Thermal Engineering of the University of Valladolid. Attained her degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Valladolid in 2008 and a postgraduate Degree in “Expert in HVAC Engineering” in 2009. She is European PhD in Industrial Engineering since 2012, being awarded with the Best PhD in Engineering Prize. Develops her research within the field of Energy Efficiency in HVAC systems, focusing on heat recovery, evaporative cooling, free cooling, radiant systems and integration of renewable energies in nZEB. |
University of Zagreb (UNIZG) |
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Tomislav Malvić(9/1995): Graduated on the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering in Zagreb and started to work as researching and teaching assistant. He was engaged in different scientific projects with topics from subsurface geology, neotectonics and geohazards. Assisting on subjects Geology of Fossil Fuels, Geology of Fluid Reservoirs and Subsurface Mapping. Defended master (1998) and doctoral (2003) thesis. (8/2002): Joined to geological team of development department in INA Plc. as the specialist for geostatistics. Further collaborated on the projects funded by Croatian Ministry of Science. In 8/2005 he was promoted in expert and from 2007 in advisor in the INA development dept. Mostly was engaged in analyses of geomathematical problems applied on development of hydrocarbon reservoirs. Work as internal reviewer of studies on reserves and advising in all field of petroleum geology where he was experienced. From academic year 2007/2008 he is visiting lecturer on the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering in Zagreb. In 2009 he is promoted in research associate/assistant professor, in 2013 in senior researcher associate, and few months later into senior researcher as well as associate professor. Up to 2/2021 he successfully co-mentored 4 doctoral, i.e., in total, 30 evaluation theses of different levels. Received Publons (Clarivate Analytics) annual award for top 1 percent reviewers in cross-field for period 9/2018-9/2019 as well as numerous awards as well as several recognitions and thank notes for scientific work. From 2016 he worked as associate, and from 2018 as full professor. He led and leads numerous academic projects, funded from university or faculty. Currently is Editor in Chief of the Croatian scientific journal “RGN zbornik”. Until 2/2021 he authored 6 books, edited 12 books, published 6 chapters and 143 journal papers. Bibliography: Biography: Publons: Email: MDPI Encyclopedia: |
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Tomislav KurevijaAssociate Professor Tomislav Kurevija, PhD received his Master’s degree in petroleum engineering in 2003 at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia. After that he resumed doctoral studies which resulted with Ph.D. in shallow geothermal resources in 2010. In 2011, he was employed as an assistant professor and in 2016 he became an associate professor at the Faculty, within the Department of petroleum and gas engineering and energy. Professor Kurevija research interest include geothermal energy, thermogeology, energy management and reservoir engineering of oil, gas and groundwater. He is the vicepresident of the Croatian Heat Pump Associatian (HUDiT) as well as a member of the Editorial board of the The Mining-Geological-Petroleum Bulletin Journal (Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik). Professor Kurevija as authored over 70 scientific publications, with main focus on all aspects of utilizing geothermal energy as well as attend number of scientific and technical conferences as a speaker. He mentored three doctoral students. |
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Marija MacenićMarija Macenić works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering, University of Zagreb, Croatia. She completed her Master studies in Mining (2011) and doctoral studies in Petroleum Enginnering (2020) at the same Faculty. Since 2014 she was employed as a research assistant, and from 2020 as postdoctoral researcher in the Department of petroleum and gas engineering and energy. Her research interests include geothermal energy, shallow geothermal energy, and energy management. She is an author of 15 scientific publications. She attended several scientific and technical conferences as a speaker. |